Monday, August 13, 2007


My dear Indians.... (Please go through paintings below)

TO ALL CHRISTIANS, HINDUS, MUSLIMS, SECULARISTS, COMMUNISTS and all people who have a heart, who loves the nation and her heritage, who believes in ethics and values.

M.F.Hussain is trying to create problems between Hindus & Muslims.

He is trying to create communal tension and clashes. No true Musalman brother will do this, no true hindus or christians or true communists or any one who wants communal harmony, and hindu-muslim unity will not do this. Any responsible, nation loving Indian who understands India and its heritage will never do this.

"Greater the freedom, Higher the responsibility. M.F.Hussain should have used the freedom of expression in a much more responsible manner" - Maharashtra Court

I request you to go through these and react... React very strongly. Vande Mataram
(These are only some pictures, There are many more vulgar and obscene pictures, this is deliberate insult)

Hussain claims "Rape of India" is a response to terror attacks in Mumbai.
In America there were terrorist attacks, will he paint Rape of America ?
In Pakistan terrorist attacks happen twice every week, why doesnt he paint Gang Rape of Pakistan ?
Holy Mecca was attacked by terrorists once, will he paint Rape of Mecca ?

We consider India as holy as a temple, church or mosque. Thats why Mahatma Gandhiji
once installed "Bharat Matha Temple". We see Nation as Mother, as Goddess.

We cannot be too soft on either terrorits or anti national painters like Hussain.

Sita Matha and Sri Rama are the oldest symbols existing in this part of the continent. Is painting the private parts of Sita Devi justified in the name of freedom of expression. Hussain knows that painting these things will create controversy and get him publicity. But 'using' these sacred symbols for selling and getting publicity is cheap and cunning.

Hey Ram were the last words of Gandhiji. Rama Rajya to him was the ideal state where all people and religions lived in harmony. Rama was 'purushottama', the ideal man.

60 years of Independence is morally the journey from Mahatmaji's Ram and Sita to Hussain's Ram and Sita

Dear Brothers and Sisters, My name is Rahul Easwar.
I usually dont write blogs nor am I a person who is very much into internet. But for the the past some days I was very disturbed about the above pictures. I was extremely sad and depressed over the above pictures. How can we allow a person to insult national, historic and cultural symbols and be happy and okay about it ???
It is something concerning you, me our future generations and our nation as such.

Please protest this move by the Kerala Government. The above pictures offends the national pride, dignity of women, religious feeling, secular and ethical fabric of our nation.

Silence is golden, but not always; many a times it becomes a sin

React, for we all have mother, sister, wife and family.
Let us take a pledge on this great day, that these kind of hatred creating cultureless elements will not be tolerated.
LET US SAY THAT WITH PRIDE THAT No one will be allowed to disturb the moral, cultural and national fabric of the nation. May our hearts rise to the heavens on this Independence day and declare who ever insults national pride and our culture will not be spared.

(with immense apologies to their family).
LET M.F.Hussain not receive the RAJA RAVI VARMA award on September 17th 2007
AND WE HAVE WON...Kerala High Court and Maharasthra Court came to uphold Justice, Hon'ble Kerala High Court stopped the award and Maharashtra court issued arrest warrant to Hussain
Jai Hind


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ponkunnamkaran said...

rellay ashocking............

Unknown said...

ya m f husain'v no right to stay here....v indians r givin shelter to him coz v r indians na?
he's a basted....

dats the suitable word for him.....

vande matharam!!

obily b wattasseril said...
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infertility and us said...

our govt is sily enough to award such a degnified award to a person like m f hussain. whenever someone raises voices against him, they are labelled as communals.
do you think other communities will be silent if he draws something about jesus or propet muhammed nabhi

Unknown said...

rahul..........u done had the do homa.........u had the.courage to......invite...him....for the karma.....and for this.also..........

Anuj Nair said...

The cries & mock tears for the so-called freedom of expression expressed by some so-called pseudo secular intellectuals drowns & disappears when it happens to religious minorities with huge vote banks.
I am against any such depiction or mockery of any religion because it really does hurt a true believer of that respective faith.
Why was 'Satanic Verses' banned in India before it was not banned even in a muslim majority country like Pakistan ? I believe it has to be banned if it hurts the sentiments of Muslims,but the question is the haste shown by the government & the rush of accolades for the governments action by the same so-called secular intelligentsia.
Hussain targets Hinduism just because he knows it will spark up a controversy,give him more publicity & the minor protests will soon die down, a matter not much to care.
It is absolutely an insult to the Great Raja RaviVarma to confer an award in his name to such a cheap minded prankster.
Shame on the government of Kerala & it is shame on the people who elected them to power.
Please also join the signature campaign for a mass petition-

Harish Warrier said...

..Greatwork....Rahul..we should protest against such kind of persons who are degrading our culture and symbols and a seneless government which supports these people...

Vande matharam...

Unknown said...

Its a brilliant work rahul....
we are all there with you..
Its really shocking we can never allow a person like m.f hussain to be hounered with this award......

Unknown said...

we all with u.....

Anamika A said...

shocking... heard of it... never thought this was so dreadful!..

im with u rahul!

-Anamika A

Anonymous said...
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Rowdy said...

Rahul u just hit the nail on its head. India needs more of ur ilk.

nandu said...

give me a snap of MF Hussain' s wife or some female from his family, and let me show him how they would look naked, from the eyes of the public, and let him know how people would react to it, and let him know how he would feel when seeing it along with the public, and let him know how we all feel about these so called paintings ( modern art - huh!), though i would not , even in a situation like this- would publicise a nude photograph ( made up) or a drawing of his family, rather show it to him , to give him that feeling we all carry. AND WHY NOT THE PANEL OF JUDGES OR COMMITTEE AND KERALA GOVT, OFFICIALS ASK MF HUSSAIN TO DRAW AND PUBLICISE ALL OF THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS'S NUDE PAINTINGS, SO THAT THE PUBLIC CAN ENJOY IT BEFORE THEY GIVE THE RAJA RAVIVARMA AWARD- WHAT AN INSULT TO THE GREAT TALENT, LEGEND!

Renjith Nair said...

) (

This is what I call "Freedom Of Expression". I believe... the so called Rama,

Sita, Ravan, Hanuman, "Swaami Ayyappan"... are all "Just Characters" of well

known stories. Can you imagine a man living with an elephant head? or a man

living with 4 heads pointing to every direction, or with 10 serial heads, A

monkey who could fly high and talk & interact with humans?... Letz get into

that period, you think they look like what we see today in pictures and

movies...? Take a look at the Anatomy of these characters, it was entirely

different 500-1000-2000-3000 years back. What we have in our mind about

Saraswathy, Lekshmi etc are the beautiful images (Maharashtrian Models) drawn

by Raja Ravi Varma, thats the problem. All Ravi Varma characters are women

during the period - 1800-1900...and they look beautiful. Hussain did a

stratight cut, he represented the concept through somewhat retro style.
Take a look at my simple art,

The two '(,)'s are breast, ') (' waist, '.' navel & 'Y'(your wildest imagination) I like to call this work "girl". Whats the role of "nudity" here? You think they are well dressed at that

time? Can you imagine a tailor stitching a blouse for a lady with four hands. She's constantly producing gold coins through her palms, whats the mechanism behind this process...? & where's she hiding all these machines? All these are results of some wild thoughts of some creative people. Lets leave it as it is.

Hinduism is not ll about these Ram, Krishna, Saraswathy... its science, its a way of living. Don't mix these story characters with that.

Today is Independence Day and you've successfully sown the seeds for a Hindu - Salama fight.
"Ee varsham krishi kollaam."

...Imagination is the only limit.

Unknown said...

I also shocked seeing our deities being manipulated and defaced calling it as Modern Art!. Is this freedom? Hurting fellow men's emotions? If he can paint our deities nude and giving them name of our deities, then we should protest and make him know how we are hurt by portraiting his daughter in nude and Title Should be "Hussain's Daughter"- A modern Art!

Unknown said...

Rahul....itz a gud job u pointed out such a shocking thing...i believe itz not concerned to hindu's only....this issue is related to all indians ....every one shuld react in a single voice!!....i pray to god dat Hussain does not get dat award....he shuld be ashamed of himself to hav drawn such ridiculous dis the way he sees his fellow sisters and brothers....shame on u man.....shame

Unknown said...

Rahul....itz a gud job u pointed out such a shocking thing...i believe itz not concerned to hindu's only....this issue is related to all indians ....every one shuld react in a single voice!!....i pray to god dat Hussain does not get dat award....he shuld be ashamed of himself to hav drawn such ridiculous dis the way he sees his fellow sisters and brothers....shame on u man.....shame

Unknown said...

wat shuld we do to avoid this award ?

Anamika A said...


FREEDOM of EXPRESSION doesnt mean... insulting others senses.. and ignoring nations feelings...

I respect ur comment.. but for some reason, Im not able to digest it well.

-Anamika A

MobiQuil said...
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MobiQuil said...

Rather worried and irritated! By Freedom of Expression does Mr MF Hussain mean hurting others fealings? huH!

And What the heck?? hez gonna award for these kinda dam works?? This should not be allowed!

Rahul, I join with u man!


technodoctor said...

dis is really insane.
such persons shud nt b spared.
he has hurt d feelins of indians
if dis was d case wit other relligions wud dey ever spare him?
no never dey vl tear him to pieces,
y some other vl he himself make such paintings of his own relligion or his family members.
he says freedom of expresion coz he is sure dat d present government never supports hindus.
v shud nt leave it lik dis.
v are wit u rahul.
dis person shud nt b rewarded lest he is not worth to even touch d canvas again.

Unknown said...

Go ahead man... we are with you...

അനൂപ് അമ്പലപ്പുഴ said...

The Truth.Sure, should React very strongly , no doubt...

Unknown said...

Ya yet another shame full independence day !!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

poda pulle

Jyothis Narayanan said...

Many of my friends identify me as part ‘pseudo secularist’ gang and as a person I believe in the theory of appeasements which make others more understanding beings. but still I condemn this unnecessary act of our government to praise Hussain. I think this award was instituted with the intention of honoring the artists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of painting and sculpture in the ‘State’. Politicians turning blind eye towards such sentiments will not do any good to the nation.

devu ravindranath said...

Rahul....dat was indeed de rite thing to do on an independence's reallyshcking to hear dat such a prestigious awrd in de name of a person who has done a lot in holding up de virtues of hinduism is gonna be awrded to a person who tried to gather media attention by crushing de feelings of all hindus of de world....another instant to show how much care de Kerala Govt is taking in announcing awrds bearing prestigious may even happen dat de officials'n' de ministry behind it who has declared dis award to Mr.M.F.Hussain is not properly aware of all his works...dey may have never seen dese works of award giving committee may have just considerd de gr8 reputation of dat person wen making de announcement abt de awrd...
'n' abt de work.....I m not a person who believe dat our goddesses luk like de beautiful ladies in de pictrs which Raja Ravi Varma has made....but its a fact dat he was just giving an image for wat we all had in our minds....But dat doesn't make it allowable for Mr.M.F.Hussain to create dere images in nudity...dat was a succeesfull attempt to gain more attention by tarnishing de images of our goddesses 'n' thereby hurting de feelings of all hindus...
As citizens having our own right 'n' duty to protest ...I think we people shud protest not to allow de awrd be given to citizens we definitely have de right b'coz its our money too dat is gonna be given as an award...
Everyone will be with u something b'coz u got dat thing in you which can make de change...

devu ravindranath said...

Rahul....dat was indeed de rite thing to do on an independence's reallyshcking to hear dat such a prestigious awrd in de name of a person who has done a lot in holding up de virtues of hinduism is gonna be awrded to a person who tried to gather media attention by crushing de feelings of all hindus of de world....another instant to show how much care de Kerala Govt is taking in announcing awrds bearing prestigious may even happen dat de officials'n' de ministry behind it who has declared dis award to Mr.M.F.Hussain is not properly aware of all his works...dey may have never seen dese works of award giving committee may have just considerd de gr8 reputation of dat person wen making de announcement abt de awrd...
'n' abt de work.....I m not a person who believe dat our goddesses luk like de beautiful ladies in de pictrs which Raja Ravi Varma has made....but its a fact dat he was just giving an image for wat we all had in our minds....But dat doesn't make it allowable for Mr.M.F.Hussain to create dere images in nudity...dat was a succeesfull attempt to gain more attention by tarnishing de images of our goddesses 'n' thereby hurting de feelings of all hindus...
As citizens having our own right 'n' duty to protest ...I think we people shud protest not to allow de awrd be given to citizens we definitely have de right b'coz its our money too dat is gonna be given as an award...
Everyone will be with u something b'coz u got dat thing in you which can make de change...

Devu Ravindranath said...
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Nisha said...

Yes,it would be a crime if such a prestigious award goes to MF Hussain.
But,what cane we do to stop this????
If you have any action plan,let all of us know.
We would our bit to make it happen....

Unknown said...

cheta am glad dat som1 came 4ward 2 protest such thing...i support u...all d best

Vijayakrishnan said...

Great work Eashwar. I had seen only some of those images before. People should see these images. The protest should come from their heart.

This happens only in India - A person being honoured by an award in the name of another person whom he dishonoured - Our Communist government made it happen...!!

parvathy said...

really paining tht i had to see this...........but who the hell is givng him award 4 such uncultured expression of his shouldnt b allowed when any woman with dignity...any indian with patriotism lives here...

Unknown said...

I know that you could delete unpleasant comments and I bet mine too will be deleted. Yet I post it hoping that you'll delete it only after reading it.
So here it goes as a quote from Voltire: "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll give up my life for your right to say that."

Be broad minded rahul, there are loads beyond our knowledge and wisdom.

Aadu thoma said...

I offer Rahul my full support for the protest against imbecility of Kerala Govt. by giving Raja Ravi Varma Award to MF Hussain.

Nikhil said...

Rahul be broad minded,
Take time to go through works of art of all kind......
deleting comments that do not echo your sentiments is immature at best.
I am not qualified to comment on the works of MF hussein,
But to join hands with you would be childish

renji said...

good work.continue ur strike about this we all with u

Rajeev said...

Its a brilliant work Rahul....
we are all there with this matter.....
We can never allow a person like M.F Hussain to be hounered with the award in the name of Raja Ravi Varma.........NEVER...

Kerala Govt says they are "SECULAR"
and we want to laugh on them...
And on all who never makes any voice against Hussian

Try for some media coverage on your great creation
I will do my level best to reach maximum people...

Vande Mataram

Amit said...

Rahul, Gr8 to hear that you have taken up the issue. This story has been going round in the net for quite some time. We all are with you 100%.

Mr.Hussain as you rightly said, deliberately does these kinds of gimmicks to gain cheap popularity.
He has rightly identified, and lobbied with pseudo-secularists for promotion of his creations.

Of late, Hindu-bashing has become quite fashionable. Also strengthening their resolve is the Laid-Back attitude of Hindu's. I know many people will disagree with me for this comment, but This is precisely the reason, why anybody can ridicule Hinduism in any manner and get away with it. I dont think anybody needs any examples on how X'ians and Muslims react when something affects their religion.

I feel this is the perfect opportunity to all Hindu's to recognize their power and unleash it on the oppressors. Hussain can just be a reason..

Vijayalakshmi said...

Dear Rahul,

Hindu-bashers cannot tolerate the legitimate protests by religious
Hindus, and accuse them of being 'fundamentalists'. Another
denigration of Hindu deities and Jesus Christ had become the subject
of a raging storm in Vadodara. No perversion should be allowed to
masquerade as 'art', which hurts the religious sentiments of any
community. Such perverts should be punished severely. M.F.Husain is a habitual offender in this respect. The LDF Govt would become a laughing stock in the eyes of the cultured people of the world if they try to 'honour' a perverted porn artist like M.F.Husain with the prestigious Raja Ravi Varma Award.It is a great insult to all of us malayalis,Hindus,Womanhood,patriots,nationalists,and above all,to the memory of the greatest artist of all times,Raja Ravi Varma.I have sent umpteen mails to various people against this denigration.All right-thinking people must unite and fight against this insult and denigration of our Deities and Bharat Matha.Vande Mataram!
P.S.-Please join the protest also on They are the ones who first started this campaign.


Unknown said...

hi rahul.......
its good to see that u r trying to enlighten ppl abt the obscene paintings or our deities........

but i wud say.......that we all know that our dieties r too sacred and above all theseand that one person cant degrade them by his/her views.......someone cant change the faith of millions and billions........

Unknown said...

How Cruel!!!!

Unknown said...

really u done a great job... i am applause you....go ahead with your work....

Anonymous said...

vande maatharam.....rahul u have done a gr8 job...we should protest against all sucha injustice and attacks on our nations culture and customs...such bustards should be thrown out of the he is goinn to be awarded...crap...oh man...we should protest aginst this...rahul Go for it.

Shaiphali said...

The Kerla Govt need serious treatment and about M.F. Hussain , I would say this is the most worst thing of his talent.

vinstech said...

thts really sad..! freedom of expression never means hurting an another man in any way..!

Mrudula said...

Good Work Rahul.

I do protest this

Unknown said...

nobody has the rite to criticise our country...if M.F.Hussain did it so there is no point in givin him one of the respectful awards in the country...pls dont nominate him for this award..consider his paintin as he insulted out own kith and kins..JAI HIND...

Anuj Nair said...

To renjith-times:
Well said man ! Your representation of a girl is excellent but will you give a title to your wonderful creation "My mother"? Can also add a male form with it in a comprising position and give a title "My Parents".
You talk about "so-called" charecters what if somebody say your father is just a "so called" one ? You react or you go out to scientifically prove it ?
Do you dare talk like this about Islam, the Prophet or Mother Mary ? Do you dare express your freedom in public ?
Lord Ram, Sita, Krishna & Swami Ayyappan are all sacred to Hindus the same as Holy Koran, The Prophet, The Holy Bible,Jesus Christ & Mother Mary.
You talk about the Maharashtrian models used by Raja Ravi Varma and how devotees relate those images as what we have "in our mind". How come Hussain see his mother,daughter and Fatima as well dressed & his vision differs when it comes to Bharat Mata, Lord Rama, Sita and Hanuman ? You think no images existed of Lord Rama,Sita,Hanuman,Saraswathi & Lakshmi before the time of Raja Ravi Varma? Hussain sees his mother fully dressed but he imagines Bharat Mata as naked ! You mean to say that man once lived in caves all naked & it does not matter if you entertain such people in your neighbourhood ?
Why are people like Hussain so hell- bent to express their freedom by trying to hurt the sentiments of a particular religion ?
You say "story charecters" ! So Hinduism is just a religion based on certain "story charecters" ! If there are millions who have immense faith in that religion why should people like Hussain try to hurt their sentiments with his paintings & so called freedom of expression ?
You said,"Today is Independence Day and you've successfully sown the seeds for a Hindu - Salama (Islam ?) fight.
"Ee varsham krishi kollaam."
Who is the culprit, Hussain or believers of Hindu faith ? Who is trying to gain fame & money hurting the sentiments of millions who follow one of the oldest religious faith?
Why didn't the government see "Satanic Verses" as freedom of expression ? Will any government of any State of India dare give an award to Salman Rushdie? Double standards !
Will the ministry in Kerala give an award to somebody who depicts Karl Marx, Lenin or EMS in a bad way ? Let that happen.

To Vasu & Nikhil
Dear brothers,broad-mindedness does have its limits too.
There are wife-swappers,sexual maniacs & sexual perverts like incest lovers, who claim to be the most broadminded.I do not like my mother painted nude and Bharat Mata is my mother too.
Please understand that this cry for freedom of expression is totally biased and is raised always & only against Hinduism.
Do you think these so-called secular political parties will keep mum if one of their leaders is targetted ? Will they talk for freedom of expression, then?
It is known that so many pages from the autobiography of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad is removed because it speaks against Nehru ! M.O. Mathai was pestered & attacked for writing against the Nehru family in his autobiography.How it will be if somebody paints Sonia Gandhi in nude & claim for his freedom of expression rights?
The communists talk high about freedom of expression. A team of them led by leaders like Sitaram Yechuri visited Nepal to support its freedom of expression rights.What freedom in China ? Why are these leaders not concerned about the freedom of expression in China?
All these people advise Hindus to be tolerant ! Those who protest when hurt are branded 'Fundamentalists' ! These people who claim to be the true gaurdians of secularism forgets it when somebody takes the freedom against their leaders or ideals. Even critics are not spared. The offices of Malayala Manorama, Mathrubhoomi, Madhyamam and so many newspapers were attacked by the activists of the so-called 'freedom gaurdians' numerous times.

Renjith said...
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Renjith said...

It is not the freedom of expression, its the freedom of abuse.

irrespective of the religion, it should be restricted. we should protest against this..

remember, once incident, somebody illustrated allah in nude( cartoon ) how they protested? who all are raised voice against this same freedom of expression?

There is no justification for anybody to abuse or hurt the feelings of others..

..i would like to add one more comment to the renjith-times - brother, i'm illustrating your( no offense please) sis/mother's picture like this and showcasing my FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in trivandrum city. how do you feel? That means WRONG IS ALWAYS please DON'T pretend and justify those nonsenses.


Renjith said...
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Renjith said...
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Unknown said...

Good work. Its unfortunate that we have allowed this to happen all this while. He doesnt deserve any award. The problem is we are too tolerant....that's something that's taught to us, but unfortunately comes with being taken advantage of. Is there somewhere we can vote against the award?

moorless said...

renjith-times ( scroll down to find is post) ---> u said it maan..
rahul eashwer is a dumb witted idiot..
well eashwer y are u restricting urself with this incident alone.. i am sure u will find countless reasons to work up people in to a fervor.. Intolerance

moorless said...

renjith-times ( scroll down to find is post) ---> u said it maan..
rahul eashwer is a dumb witted idiot..
well eashwer y are u restricting urself with this incident alone.. i am sure u will find countless reasons to work up people in to a fervor.. Intolerance

Renjith said...

ROCKY - You came in FAKE profile. i'm asking the same question to you

Can you tolerate it, if the photo is your sister's/mother's ?

Dont do anything to others which you dont want to be done to you.

Renjith said...
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Anuj Nair said...

Dear Rocky, If you are so tolerant start a blog and spread your words of wisdom rather than come to a place where people are asked to voice their protest over something that hurts them.
Bharat Mata is my mother and so is Sita, Saraswathi,Lakshmi, Mary & Fathima. I will defenitly protest if somebody abuse them. If that is not your case,you can be tolerant and be in your own cocoon.

aneezone said...

Rahul you can see thousands of naked sculptures

publicized in some of the temples…. are you ready to fight against this. Mr. Rahul..???

Anuj Nair said...

Please visit and join the signature campaign.

Anonymous said...

this mf.hussain is really a mf..
i dont wanna be rude but i cant take it..people banned da vincci code,the same way mf should not be awarded for defacing our indian belief.this is pure pervetion..There r so many other beautiful things for him to paint and inspire,but this is not the way to exercise his freedom of expression.He should be empathetic towards others feelings too....
i only hope,the govt wakes up and realize their folly...
am all wit u rahul..
jai hind..

pravat said...

This is too much ..
People Like MF Hussain needs to be killed brutally on the daylight..

They are vandalizing with the Hindu sentiments.

സുയോധനന്‍ said...

Dear Rahul,

You've done it. We, the proud children of Bharatmata won't allow any devil to play with her dignity.

The naked sculptures in temples are not targeted at questioning anyones belief. Nor it depicts few people whom it likes in clothes and others naked. When hussain draws his mother, daughter and Jinnah they have clothes. But when it comes to Sita devi or Durga or Bharatmata he draws them naked. We know very well about the tolerance of people around the world from the Danish cartoon controversy. Thank Hindus for being tolerant. Tolerance is a noble quality and must not be thought as a product of impotence.

Hussain is a third rate painter and he does all this stuff to gain publicity and nothing more. His titles like Durga and Laxmi are actually created by drawing a nude figure and labelling it what ever he like. Those are comparable only with graphite drawings in public toilets labelled as Celebrities. They're not great paintings at all. I heard some heck comparing him with Picasso. If Picasso was alive he might have killed that butthead.

There's a great fanfare in Dubai newspapers depicting this absconder from India as an Indian Muslim tortured by the government and the majority(?) Hindus. That was what Hussain looking for. He don't deserve the award in the name of "The painter among kings and King among painters", Raja Ravi varma. Its just like giving the Nobel prize for world peace to George W Bush considering Iraq activities.

We all are with you Rahul, not as Hindus (I dint mean V D Savarkars defn here) but as proud and valiant children of Bharatmata

Akhand Bharatmata ki jai

Anuj Nair said...

Dear anees,You have to know Hinduism to know what's behind those sculptures. Hinduism always accepted anything and everything as God. It so happened that people of a particular region who believed in a particular mode of worship also was accepted as part of the fold. That is why you see different forms of worship, different architecture and different rituals in different regions all over India.
Can you tell me a temple where Lord Rama ,Sita or Hanuman is sculpted nude ?
If there are temples with ancient nude sulptures & if believers are not offended by it you do not have to bother and worry about it. It is not done with the motive of maligning the sacredness of that place of worship by somebody who wanted to make money out of it. It is personal, not commercial. Nobody calls his wife a prostitute,just because she has sex with her husband.
Nobody will want his wife to be raped thinking I am having it with her,then why not others".
Do not ask," Why not have sex in the road if you can have it in the bedroom?"

Prakash Raghavadass said...

This Bastard sees every thing nude ....If He's so much obsessed with Nudity, then why the hell he is in Typical Muslim attire(Communal Pig)...Hinduism has always been a DHARMA and has accepted each and every religion and thought..These PIGS exploit our patience and hospitality...We have to raise our voice against this injustice towards one's feelings....

gilhari said...

Hello from Rotterdam the Netherlands.

Rahul, a dear friend from India sent me your blog, and I cannot do anything else but let you know even out here you have support.

I believe strongly, that we should respect all faiths, but for me, this becomes not a easy thing to do, if a idiot like this Hussain mocks with my precious hinduism.
The strong possible protest needs to be given here, and I thank you very much for your blog, so we all are able to give our views about this.
According to me, this is not at all about seculartism etc, but this is about a total disrespect to our beloved hinduism.
Betty Langenberg

Unknown said...

I have done maximum i can, though i have never used your name... thanks for your try...

Keep trying...

Anonymous said...

Indian art does nst bigin with Raja Ravi Varma

why don't u mention Ajantha or Ellora
It is the right express their thoughts

Unknown said...

It really is a shocker and an eye opener..Degrading and making a mokery of our culture and tradition like this is a big insult to all of us Hindus....Will he do a painting like this on Prophet Mohammad?? Bastards like him should be publicly insulted and prosecuted and not rewarded. What can we do to stop the Kerala govt from making the biggest blunder in history?? This is highly appalling!!

Unknown said...

He is a mother fucker and I think he sholud not be hanged till death but we should have one more exibiton of MF Hussain and family with wife n that people also get to see how they look when they are nude...I am sure that many people may say that why so harsh but I think I am right in my opinion n never gonna change.I was never so heartless but if someone try to play with our sentiment then bloody I may even go worst....I remember in few year back someone drew a scketch of Mohhmad Saheb n worlwide appeal was made to Kill the cartoonist n moreover in UP,India someone from Samajwadi Party gave a public statement that whosoever catches the cartoonist will get Gold of his body weight.these fucker think vote is more important than the root and that is why these mix breed bastard gets courage to do all these non sense.

Unknown said...

Is everyone here sure if MF is being awarded for the paintings that are being talked about? Even keeping the controversy apart, I find it hard to appreciate the art in those paintings - I have seen only the scanned snaps of those online though.

It transpires to the fact that the award is for a pervert's imagination and not real art.

laingika vaikruthangalodu marxist kaarkkulla abhinivesham deshabhimaani varikayil pathivaayi cheyyunna poole achadichu vittaal poore. enthinee prahassanam? Cultural Affairs mantri MA Baby aayirunnu kaananam panel chairman. valla thundupustakavum kandu ................. pakaram.... hmm... yevane okke therandi vaalinu adikkanam.

Unknown said...

Dear Friends,

We must voice very loudly and clearly the disapproval of Hussain. Let us understand that all those proponents of freedom of expression have remained silent on ban on "Nathuram Boltoy", "Reminiscence of Nehru ages "- a book by his personal secretary describing nehrus sexual exploits. Here there is no scope for hypocracy. let them take one consistent stand.

warm regards

kairalee said...

The Facts of Khajuraho

For all those sickularists who depicts Khajuraho Temples as an excuse to equate hinduism and Hindu Deities with nudity and sex...
What is actually Khajuraho, what does it contain and how many of the quoters have actually visited the Temples ?
Here are the facts.


Unknown said...

great rahul great work
we all are with you.....

Unknown said...

hey i think our govt dnt respect our indian culture and faiths... dats why they r supporting and awarding such a shameless job of one of so called famous artist...

i think artist is the communicator, expressinist between common man & rest world....he only gives the 3D outline to our thoughts.....n respect common man's feeling....,
n see what MFHussain did..... he has proved himself a worst artist as he cant respect common man's feelings...n what he is giving to our future...the most unrespected thing...jst shame on him!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Rahul,
Thaankal cheytha joli ethra prashamsichaalum mathiyakilla. great job. Ithil paavam nammale polullavarkku enthaanu cheyyan kazhiyuka. aarenkilum ithinaayi irangi thirichaal avare vargheeya vaathi aayi chitreekarikkan 2 munnanikalum mathsarikkunna kaazhcha aanu kaanan kazhiyunnathu. secularism prassangikkan allathe ivare kondu enthenkilum kaaryam undo? Hindu samskaarathinu melulla adhinivessam aanu evideyum kaanan kazhiyunnathu. Vote bankine preenippikkan vendiyulla politics ennum Hindu samooham sahikkanamennilla. oru divassam avar unarum. annu eee dushta shakthikalude anthyathode oru pudhiya mathethara bharathathinaayi namukku kaathirikkaaam......kooduthal akaleyallatha aaa divassathinaayi namukku praarthikkam..... Jai Hind

Praveen said...
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Praveen said...
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Saumya Nair said...

really shockin...rahul u done a grt work..

James said...

MF. hussain is not deserving this award. never ever give such an award in the name of a gifted artist like Ravivarma to this abuser. do everything as you can to stop the kerala govt from this attempt.

nryn said...

Shocking! Good work Rahul. Thank you for notifying this to me. I have also blogged about this. Hope we can dissuade the government from giving the award.

Saraks said...

I think we should ban atheism as well...such blasphemy

Unknown said...

we with U RAHUL........go ahead...

thebeautyandthebeast said...
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thebeautyandthebeast said...

f any of you wanna do anything bout all this.. i guess you could go ere...

i read some prick aka Renjith-times worrying about how a tailor would stitch blouses for a Goddess.. LoL,Renjith,dont strain that brain of urs.. Put it back in the fridge,'m sure you don have much use for it anyways..

Renjith,my man.. one thing you HAVE absolutely to get straight is the fact the we do not question what we'd never seen.. youd asked about some stupid mechanism that produces gold coins outta lakshmi's palms!?! Gosh,maan! Its just a way of expressing things,not at all to be taken literally,alright!?! if someone like Einstein couldnt figure that out,chances of a shit-for-brains numb skull like you wondering about it,would be..hmmmm.. a waste of time to put it in the mildest sense..

Great work Rahul.. I also took time to write up my own blog.. I hope this comment is not banned,if 'm harsh,its only cos he was asking for it.. Peace.. Jai Hindh



Prakash Raghavadass said...

Register your vote against Kerala govt's action of Awarding this M*****F***** ...

Prakash Raghavadass said...
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Lamargo Petersen said...

I am going to possibly make some folk angry, but my opinion is this: Until the whole world kicks organized religions out on their collective arses and earn their own money instead of support by churches, mosques, etc., there will be war over who is right, like spoiled brats in the schoolyard.There will be wars until the whole world is one color[intermarriage] so that we are on an even playing field. There will be wars for land until we all learn that the Earth is a Gift of the Creator, and we are to "husband" it and not kill it with bombs and fires, and the blood of our children. Thank you for your attention, I look forward to my chastizment.

Unknown said...

great rahul,
i love paintings,i think when the paintings turn to our cultural,traditional violations that will not supportive.i am very proud about you,that it is very important for we Indians..
we love bharat an indian we ,all are protest against this type of moves from such an artist (may be he is a big artist or not.)people like hussain does not exercise this.if he is doing this for more publicity.....why hussain ?.........we are not proud of you.
i am with you rahul easwer..and your such decisions because i love my bharath matha.

jai hind vande mataram.

Unknown said...

really shocked 2 know .
it is a good attempt.
wat should we do to stop the government from giving this award
we all r with u....................

Aswin Gopinath said...

it's a very good move by you to make such a protest. this protest should be reached upto the common people, most of the keralites even do not know about the seriousness of this issue........ we should also try to make a mass protest against this.......and all my support will be there in all sort of activities.

ajith said...

good work.....shamefull act,which is aganist the culture of india...

ഗോപന്‍ കോട്ടവിള said...

how he dare to insult our mother..hindu's minds always welcomeand gave shelter to muslims . if we silently tolerate this nonscence these kaffirs will kill our tredition .quit him .........we always with you iswar

Unknown said...

ithu nammal hindukkale mathrm bhadikkunna karyamalla....
nale ee hussain ithu pole kristhuvineym nabiyeyum ellam ingane chithreekarikkum.....
ithrayum vrithikette ayalkku award kodukkunnathinethire enthinum njanum undavum chettante koode...

Melethil said...

i dont want to comment on the nudity issue, but from what I have seen, the so called "great works" by MF Hussain are all crap. I doesnt have any artistic value. its like some ppl praising artsit namboodiri for his drawings or larry baker for his cartoons. both are crap. and giving awards to mediocrity and stupidity has been the norm for some time, look at national awards for example. media is not far behind, see the publicity that senior bachan's poetry is getting, and its being recited by amithabh! such childish, existenail poetry!! hussain's case is the same. there are artists like devan, arakkal or viswanathan even then "the hindu " asked hussain to draw the pic of bharatmatha for its issue of aug 15. so they all think hussain is something special( but seeing the pic i guess he was deliberately trying to avoid controversy, may be "hindu" asked him to do so). so this kind of vulgar things are becoming part of our culture, these are all becoming the accepeted standards, there is no value for quality, only stupidity matters. if all these ppl are doing this how our dearest govenment can hold itself back?

James said...

We should stop the government from giving this award to such an abuser artist.

We should protest and the it should reach the common people also. Mail this to all of your friends and aware others about this potential danger to giving such a prestegious award to a pron artist. also he is hurting millions of souls.

Govt is the opinion of people, then how M.A Baby alone can decide to give this award, in the name of our prestigious artist Raja Ravi Varma. It should consider as an insult to the community. It is a planned one, otherwise why should he give such an award to this moron? we have even more talented artists in india.

Protest this.protest this.protest this, otherwise there is no meaning to be said that you are alive!

Hussian is abusing your mother, Hussian is abusing your home land, Hussian is abusing your culture, Hussian is abusing your beliefs.

then why should we tolerate THIS???

James said...

Please add this in to your blog, if you have any.

publish it through your mail. put this in to communities like orkut, Hi5, myspace, Windoes Live etc..

publisize it in local medias like news papers, join hands with local medias and organizations who protest.

It should not be happen. getting an award for hurting millions of people. here is no religion no caste nothing is there. only the humiliation that only need for you to protest against this.

Unknown said...

Hussen(a rouge) did a big Mistake . He has to leave the country. He has lost his right to live in this country.

Unknown said...

We should not allow to honour that idiot for such disrespectful acts.
He has no rights to show his pervertion like this. Let him show his pervertion by drawing his mother's and daughter's nude pictures. He can imagime himself having romance also with them. how is stopping that stupid fellow.

Unknown said...

I really tired to read all is sign that still people can sacrifice their life for nation, dharm !!!!!
I do salute to u Mr.Rahul, u did really very appreciate work & Plzzz. don't stop we fight still cancel the award of hussain....

ajus009 said...

It's really a shameful on M.F.Hussain's part to do such a thing.A respected personality like him should never have done such paintings sacrificing the cultural and religious unity of India.
Those who should be a moral for others are being so unresponsible...
this is truly a pity.

Saraks said...

As pointed out here,compared to muslims we don't do much. See what they have done to Taslima. Shame on us.

Unknown said...

Great work mr madhuri fida hussain..we would like to see such pictures of deities of other religions also...
pl hussain fast....
good issue raised up mr rahul
I would like to give full support to u ...

VEENA said...

please bring this blog or pictures into the notice of the authorities who have selected him to receive the award.........& we beleieve only "RAHUL EASWAR"....the voice of todays youth can challenge him.......plzzzzzzzzzzz do it rahul.......

VEENA said...

please bring this blog or pictures into the notice of the authorities who have selected him to receive the award.........& we beleieve only "RAHUL EASWAR"....the voice of todays youth can challenge him.......plzzzzzzzzzzz do it rahul.......

VEENA said...

please bring this blog or pictures into the notice of the authorities who have selected him to receive the award.........& we beleieve only "RAHUL EASWAR"....the voice of todays youth can challenge him.......

plzzzzzzzzzzz do it rahul.......

ashwini said...

How can he dare to paint such picture?

We cant accept such nonsense from anybody irrespective his extraordinary status.

We respect our culture, values, spirituality utmost.

he has to be punished and thrown out of the conutry.

Unknown said...

shweta said
It is such a shame inspite of having a clear comparison of Ravi Rai's historic & diety paintings with the Hussain's pseudo secular act which he so calls freedom of expression and percolates it senselessly in his paintings,,,, still Hussain has been declared of the Ravi Verma award....???????
Such disrespect toward our country, our flag, our cultures will not be tolerated.
Good work Rahul.....
Come on Indians!Please do protest....we cannot let Hussain win this award.
Vande Mataram!

Unknown said...

m.f. husain ko nanga latka ke fasi deni chahiye aur uske pure khandan ke aurton ko sub hinduo ne jab tak chud chud ke mar na jaye tab tak chodna chahiye ...sala bhadva muslim logo mai kalank hai..lagta hai uske maa ne suar,gadhe aur kutto se khud ko chudva kar use paida kiya...muslim bhaiyo agar hum log mohammad paigambar,alla ke maa ki aisi paintings banai to apko kaisa lagega?..moderator do not delete this comment otherwise i will take action against u...if u r hindu..aur tumne apne hindu maa ka dudh piya hai to tum is comment ko bharat ki janta ko jaroor dikhaoge...jai hind.

Unknown said...

kyo kya hua?....sab hindu bhai mar gaye kya sirf 113 comments..jab cricket match chalu rahta hai to 5 minutes mai 50comments likhte ho...ab bharat maa ki ijjat bachana apke hath mai hai...darna mana hai....aaj shivaji maharaj, sanjay gandhi,netaji subhashchandra boss jaise log jinda hote to aisi paintings banane valo ki maa bhen ek kar keep up & forward this to all jinda & real hindu..garva se kaho hum hindu hai..bharat mata ki jai.

Unknown said...

kaun kehtaa hain ki sab hindu mar gaye..? hum martey nahi, maaartey hain..leke aao rastey par oos m******** f***** hussain ko...dekhtey hain kaun darr ke bhaagta hain..saaley b***** ko hindu devtaaon ka aisa shraap lagegaa ki kabhi painting brush hath mey uthaaney ki himmat nahi karegaa......

Binu Kalyan said...

Who told he is a great artist......
I dont understand y people say he is gr8.

Latheesh Mohan said...
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James said...

Shocking news..

Anuj Nair said...

Dear brother Latheesh Mohan,
Anybody can talk nonsense like you,but if you cannot ever talk sense we forgive you.
No wonder you write filth in somebody's blog,you are just another pervert of the kind we are talking about. The sort who feel happy by writing filthy graffitti in public places.
Just pity you and your parents.

Anuj Nair said...

Dear friends,brothers & siters,
I humbly appeal & request not to target any particular religion just because it unfortunately had a moron like Hussain born in it.

mannoor said...

To Mr.Hussain
Why don't you understand the feelings of all these people? This is just a fraction of it, how about the millions? You are suppose to be well matured and you should show your humbleness and matuarity by accepting your mistake and apologise. Your ego should not hold to back to do so. Just go through all these comments and you will get answers to everything. Nothing wrong in accepting our actions/mistakes, if it is hurting others. By apologizing you will defenitely earn the hearts of millions. That will never let you down. Think and act urgently. Please stop pretending as if you did not do anything against anybody. Let us have a cordial and lovely environment to live peacefully. Relax and cooldown. Spread love not hatred. Jai Hind.

Sreeraj Gopinath said...

Responsibility is not given....It's taken.......So shall we all take the responsibility?

Sustainable development never exists unless we deepen our roots.....So wake up............

Let's all keep the Solidarity to Rahul&his crew members regarding this.....Vande Matharam

Sreeraj Gopinath

V.B.Rajan said...

Rahul, nudity, and erotica are part of Indian culture. So you dont have to worry about MF Hussain's depiction of Indain gods. If you visit Khauraho you can see how midevial artist expressed erotica on temple walls. At kamakhya temple in Assam, female vagina is being worshiped. There the devi even have annual periods as happening to chenganoor bhagavati. All over India union of Sivalinga and yoni is being woshiped. If you visit Allahabad during kumbhamela you can see thousands of sadhus without a string of cloth on their body roaming on the street. Digambar Jain sadus are moving on Delhi streets almost everyday.

So MF Hussain is not attacking Indian culture. His artwork has nothing against Indian culture. If someone make a hue and cry he will get undue advantage and his work will be sold for millions.

neeraja said...

tanx 4 bringing my notice 2 dis.i completely agree with u .these kind of rubbishness should not b allowed. let me congratulate u for this grt work as today's generation r not at all aware of these kind of things.u have done really a gud job.

Anonymous said...
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Nandan Sasi said...

Rahulbhai you did a great job. Without seeing this i wouldnt have known all about that uncultured guy

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For all who supports Hussain....

I would really appreciate Hussain if he paint nude picture of his mother and daugther for us to enjoy

And then we can talk about the so called "Freedom of Expression'..

Freedom of experssion is meant for a civilised society.
It is not suited for society which contains persons like Hussain
who enjoys the nudity of his mother and daughter

Anonymous said...

For hussain...

If a person sees nudity when looking into the map of india, I am sure he is mentally retarded..So I will pray for your mental health...

Anonymous said...

For all who oppose Hussain...

Writing some dialogs on a blog is not enough..If you really against him you should react in the real physical world and I will be with you..

Anonymous said...
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James said...


who posted some comments above ( please scroll up)

The Khajuraho and all the incidents which you described is not hurting anyones religious concepts.

if hussian is adopting the same concept, what is your justification in his Double standard? All indian goddess and ppl are nude, but his mother, daoughter, and his god is well dressed. is'nt it a double standard?

Persons like you may appreciate even if hussian draw a picture of your mother in nude and display it in public to show his greatness of artwork.and you may enjoy that piece of work and even doesnot hessitate to comment, ho what a beautiful vagina, how hussain illustrated it with all of its originalty,

Shame on you my brother. shame on you...justifying those moron in the name of khajuraho and nude sadus in maharashtra.

you are totally ignorant about the intentions behind his art. how he became famous?? because of the quality of his artwork? he became famous by making some sensational issues like this. he is not an artist, he was within the panties of madhuri deekshit once..and now M.A baby is going to give him the award in name of the great raja ravi varma. even i too form the same community. i'm a xtian. but i can't justify the acts of M.A. Baby and his communist govt to attack the hindu and their beliefs as such. if they do this today, they will do the same to us tomorrow. that we know very well.

Unknown said...


Namaste Rahulji,
We have great respect for you and appreciate the seva done by you though this blog.
We have given a link on the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)site on main landing page of M.F Hussain campaign.
ttp:// Could you also uphold HJS activities by giving a link back to us?Kindly reply to us with your contact address
Dr.Manoj Solanki

Pradeep Kumar Dewani said...

Hi rahul it is very great job u havr done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all are against that !
but the only thing I want to say is that,
"Mitana chaye jamna chaye Hum nahi mitne wale hai; kar chuka hai waqt kosish hum nahi hatne wale hai;chahe toh bhavishey tu bhi aajma lena hum tujhe Mitane wale hai"

sooryan said...

Well done rahul..
I am sooryan..I too an artist.I hates people who supporting husain,more than Husain work.I shocked by your image.Those who are giving award to Husain are really BASTARDS,because they dont know from they are insulting their own culture and sacred faiths.Its a secular desease ,which will find only in hindus.More in kerala communists .This award is also insulting raja ravivarm....

Anju said...

I really appreciate your work.. i'l pass this message to as much as i can.. in the name of freedom of expression some cannot harm others feelings.. Mr. M.F Hussain being an indian has his duty above his expression.. as artists we must appreciate the beauty not make a mockery of it..

i was in a state of shock n shame when i saw his paintings.. how can he be given such an honorary award award given with due respect to a great artist Raja Ravivarma.. i'm also there with you millions..

zen said...

Even though MF Hussein is a Muslim, he belongs more to the secular elite group..They(the likes of Aamir Khan, Amjad Ali Khan, Mahesh Bhatt etc. whether Hindu or Muslim) don't think in terms of religion..Hussein was in no way trying to deliberately insult Hinduism..This was his own interpretation of Indian epic characters, though not from a religious point of view..Comparing him with Ravi varma is absurd, as Varma lived more than 100 years ago and modern art changed a lot in 100 years..And just because he drew this pictures, he will not become a 3rd rate artist as some in this blog has commented..And just because Sita was sitting in Hanuman's tail, that doesnt make her a nympho. This was Rahul's or / some other "mathabhranthan's" interpretation.. So it is not MF, but people who came with this interpretation has insulted their own religion..
Having said that, my personal opinion is that MF should have shown more sensitivity to the religious sentiments of some Hindus and also should have avoided painting such pictures in good spirits..

And singing praise of "Hindu tolerance" while threatening him to kill and forcing him to depart and also claiming to be civilized while using abusive language against him etc. gives me a very good laugh.

Unknown said...

please dont give any award to these persons, who just respect the culture of the land.

V.B.Rajan said...
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Anuj Nair said...

For Zen :
What wrong interpretation in seeing nude as nude ? Please use your brain. If his interpretation of all human beings are in nude it should include the painting of his mother, daughter & Fathima.
Nobody intepreted anything wrong except some people like you who try to interpret the protesters as dumbos and defend a moron who insults the country and a Faith.
Depicting Sita,Lakshmi, Saraswathi & Bharatmata in nude is like depicting your own mother in nude. Mathabrandan ? Forget religion,if you have a mother at home and this dirty idiot paints her nude, will you defend his intepretation ?

Unknown said...

Really appreciable work . We need such eye openers.

James said...

@Anju, you said the point!

zen and all talking about the damn interpretations. as anuj said, if that same interpretation anybody has giving to paint your sister's or mother's painting. or else your's loving late.grandmother's paining hanging on the wall in the entrance of your do you feel mr.Zen?
leave hanuman - your grandmother is hanging on the tail of your grandpa. - can you tolerate even this interpretation?

then what nonsense you are talking and blindly justifying that abusive artist?is it called as an art?

there is no point in justifying hussian. wrong is wrong anyway.

Aravind Sivakumar said...

shocking, i protest it !

Ranjith said...

this is disgraceful

he should be prosecuted

PBJ said...
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zen said...

well said "dissent"..hahaha

As I said, if Hussein or any other artist had depicted Ram/Sita in a bad way attacking their dignity, I would have protested as it could hurt the sentiments of Hindus. But if you closely look at the pictures, its true that none of them wear any sari or dhoti, but no picture shows explicit nudity showing the sexual organs of Ram/Sita either..if he had painted a picture in such a way, I could have understood the anger, but here, each painting consists of just a few strokes of brush and thats it..well, Sita sitting on Hanuman's tail, how can it be physically possible that Sita could sit on the tail wearing a Sari? I dont think Churidar existed at that time :) So this is one way of Artist's expression..

Then why do some people protest? well, they want to fuel religious zealotry and polarize people, esp. given the fact that MF is (nominally) a Muslim, so they don't want to miss the oppurtunity..

well, bringing the sister/grandmother of living persons is different as it becomes an issue of privacy.

ABHISHEK S.A said...

This is the real way to fight against nonsense people. Hats off to your patriotism.
jai shri krishna

Kushal Acharya said...

He is definitely a big hypocrite. Let us spread this wide and far so that we can stop him from getting a recognition he doesnt deserve.

James said...

@Zen, that's called as a partiality. you have some pains when somebody illustrated your grandmother hanging on the tail of your garandfather or your sister is hanging in the tail of your neighbour. so it is something personal right? you are going through some hurts or you are feeling pain?

yeah, this same feeling millions of hindus/christians/muslims or a ture indian is having.

art is something which shouldnot hurt the feelings of anybody. hussin is doing some partiality among the people by such paintings.

i may not complain if all of his works are in the same spirit. but his mother sister and all in good colorful dresess and all the indians/hindu godess are in nude.

and the greatest disaster is somebody is there to support him. he is such an ugly pig with a broken dick.

James said...

and Mr.Zen?

do you have enough courage to illustrate any other religious symbols/god's like this?

can you illustrate Jesus like this? all of us will cut you in pieces.
i'm a christian, but all of my friends are hindus. i know very well how they are tolerating such events. it is not about a religion it is about some helpless souls, they didnot know how to respond.
i think hindu's it is the time to be gather and fight against such injustice.still i remember the hullabaloos against a cartoon illustration of prophet.

Whether it is a muslim/christian/hindu - all are same and there is only one god. but taking an advantage against the peers in the name of a religion it cannot be tolerated.

V.B.Rajan said...

James said "can you illustrate Jesus like this? all of us will cut you in pieces. i'm a christian,but all of my friends are hindus."

If you are a true christian, how can you keep hindu friends? Go through the following versus of Old Testment all from Exodus

"Do not allow others to worship a different god. Conquer them and destroy their religious property". Exodus 23:24

The first commandment ("Thou shalt have no other gods before me.") condemns those who worship any other than the biblical god. 5:4

Destroy the altars, images, and places of worship of those with different religions. 7:5

Burn and "utterly detest" the religious symbols of other faiths. They are an abomination to God. If you bring such an image into your house you will become "a cursed thing like it." 7:25-26

# Kill everyone who has religious beliefs that are different from your own. 17:2-7

Anuj Nair said...

Here nobody is trying to polarize people over something. The protests are not for a religion or against any relgion. Depiction of God, The Prophet or Messiah in bad taste or in vulgarity is deplorable & Hussain has deliberately done it hurting a particular religion. He is careful & very cunning in trying not to hurt the people whom he knows will be fatal for him.

The fact that Hussain is a muslim is not at all relevant here and the protests would have been even severe if he did such paintings of The Prophet or Fathima.
In fact people like you are polarizing people and justifying Hussain terming the protests as something targetted by hindus against muslims.

You say, " well, bringing the sister/grandmother of living persons is different as it becomes an issue of privacy. "
Does that mean it is OK to paint your mother or father in nude after they die?
You mean to say Sita, Rama, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Saraswathi & Bharat Mata is not living !
The followers of a religion does not believe in a 'Dead' God.

Misinterpretations of Holy books is common and you have quoted something you have never read yourself.
Still, what do you mean to say ? Just use your brains dear brother.

Suresh KP said...
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V.B.Rajan said...

Mr. Anuj Nair, how can you make sure I am quoting from a book which I have not read. Quoted versus are there in the bible, you may go through the book to find out. You said misinterpretation of Holy book. Can elaborate on this.

I wanted to say religion, holy books etc. are there to divide people. If you go through human history you can see religion is the root cause of major blood shed. It is still happening. These so called holy books and gods direct followers to eliminate others who do not subscribe to their belief.

Issue raised by Rahu is not a serious one. Hussain is an Indian and he has all right on our culture and gods as everyone of us has. He can depict it the way he likes. Drawing a nude picture of someones' mother or sister is a different issue. That will be a criminal offence and those ladies need their relatives support to fight aganist it.

I do not think Indian gods are so week as they need our support to remain well dressed. If so how they can protect and nurture us.

zen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anuj Nair said...

I have read The Bible and also The Holy Quran and need no misleading explanations about ITs contents.
You may go for a debate with the people who have thorough knowledge in those texts, who preach it for good.
Bloodshed will be there as long as mankind exists. It will be there even if there are no religions. But now,if neighbours of two religions quarrel over something silly, some crooked elements just try to spread hatred in the name of religion. It is the same with this issue too. When he paints pictures that hurt the sentiments of a particular religion, and when the ones who are hurt protest, some people are trying to picture it as if Hussain is targetted because he is a muslim.
You said, "Hussain is an Indian and he has all right on our culture and gods as everyone of us has. He can depict it the way he likes." Why are people like you so hell-bent to support a person who knows that he is hurting millions of people just for his monetary gains ? Will you dare support Salman Rushdie or Taslima Nasreen ? Will Hussain support them on the issue of freedom of expression ? Will Hussain be given an award by the Kerala Government if he had hurt the sentiments of their own party or departed leaders?
How come painting of ones mother or sister become a different issue? Don't you think he has the freedom to express that too?
Wonder what you mean by Indian gods ! God does not need anybodys protection but the people who have immense faith in a religion considers everything related to God as sacred & so, attempts by any miscreants to malign it will definetely hurt them.
Do not try to defend a pervert who draws charcoal graffitti in the name of freedom of expression. It is nothing different from defending the same kind who does the same art in public loos.

James said...


did you ever find any incidents like a christian artist / christian follower illustrated any of the hindu god/goddess like this?

i may born in a christian family, but more than that i'm an indian. and the ramayana and bhagavat gita is originated in this land. and it illustrates the history and culture of my mother i am seeing it all the respect as the bible.

James said...

and ranjan, i'm not that TRUE christian as you pointed out. but i'm a christian who loves my family, friends and my motherland.

and for the kind information, christians are also human beings. they know very well what is right and what is wrong. they are not considering bible as their mentor. instead of that we believes in what jesus taught the love each your neighbour as you love yourself.

V.B.Rajan said...

Mr.Anuj Nair, I did not give any interpretation or explanations on contents of holy books. I quoted few versus as it is present in the book. From that anyone with an open mind can see how these books encouraging followers to fight against followers of other religion or gods. Scholars’ expert opinion is not required to understand this.

Bloodshed will be there as you mentioned. But religion and holy books have given legitimacy to it describing cruelty as a holy act. Cross wars, Jihad, atrocities on dalits are examples.

Since you asked, let me say I support Taslima Nasreen and Salman Rushdie. They are artists let them go on with their creativity. Religious bigots have been trying to silence people who are speaking against gods and holy books. They made Galeilio to kneel before them and put him in house arrest for saying sun is the centre of solar system and earth is moving around it. They burnt Bruno on stake for supporting Copernicus.

I am not an critic. So I can’t judge the quality of Hussains’ work. But hue and cry raised against any art work evoke public attention. This is the reason why these works generate big amount of money.

Someone in an earlier post praised hindu tolerance. This is a myth. Hindus can’t even tolerate their own people. Till recent past dalits can’t use roads around Vaikom temple. Even now they are not allowed to become a temple priest. What kind of tolerance is this.

V.B.Rajan said...

James you said "we believes in what jesus taught the love each your neighbour as you love yourself."

greate, but in your earlier post you said

"can you illustrate Jesus like this? all of us will cut you in pieces"

What kind of love is this. I heard Jesus directed his followers to love their enimies also.

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

Dear rajan,

that’s the fact, because that’s the strength in the believes of our community. we can forgive to anyone, who committed a mistake, but not intentionally.

but how can we forgive to the persons, who intentionally doing harm to us and when it comes a situation which makes our exultancy in question.

There is an interesting story, that you should be aware about. Once there was a person joined in gurukulam. guru taught him that god is there in every creature in the world. and god is there for take care of us. so every creature can be considered as the god.

and once this person was walking through a road. then he saw some people is running, and among them one screamed "Escape, tusker is coming, that will kill you".

suddenly he remembered, what his guru taught him. yes..a part of god is in tusker, so he will not do any harm to me. and he continued his walk. suddenly the tusker caught and thrown him away. luckily he felled in to a paddy field, and only his legs were broken out.

and the next day when guruji came, with intense anger, he shouted to guruji - you liar.. told me that god is in every creature - but yesterday the same god did this to me.

then guruji said - dear son, yes still i think what i taught you is right. why can't you see the god with in that person who warned you?

hope that you got the point.

everybody will tolerate up to certain extent only, here other than these poor Hindu’s.

Rahul Easwar said...

DEAR RAJAN...I respect all other religions and all believers...I understand you have not understood the essence of our culture. I am not saying there werent any mistakes here. Yes there were, but every culture, every nation's civilization is a continuous evolution through rights and wrongs.

Rahul Easwar said...

BUT I am proud to belong to a religion which taught understanding and love.

The most worshipped god in hinduism is KRISHNA..he was a Yadav..he was OBC..The person who divided and compiled VEDAS..Veda Vyas (Krishna Dwaypayana) was the son of a fisher women, never an upper caste. The most respected Ramayana was by VALMIKI-Ratnakara..a robber, a forest man..a Scheduled tribe. Shankaracharya, the greatest acharya accepted a CHANDALA as his guru in his life time. SABARIMALA from time immemorial allowed people of call caste, & RELIGION and can you point out any other worshipping place in the world where another religious person is worshipped (VAVAR swamy, BABAR swamy)..

The ancient most cultures.. Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Mesopotamian. Except Indian everything else perished..Still continuing for 5000-6000 years because despite many mistakes on the surface, the roots are strong..too strong.

Anuj Nair said...

Mr. Rajan :
You are not quoting from The Bible, you are just quoting from somebodys book that misinterpreted The Bible.
Religions are the root of a culture,somthing that made man civilized. From a barbarian having nothing to fear, living in a place where might is right and with no set standards or morals, it is through religions He became civilized. In the process, it does not mean that everything turned perfect, but still what we call a civilized society happened just because of Mans fear for God and religions.
This world would have been still barbaric and uncivilized without religions. Let the believers believe, why should somebody try to create trouble ? You say religions preach tolerance and so we have to be tolerant...OK, up to what extent? Do you mean India should welcome the troops from a neighbouring country if it is being attacked ? Welcome the invaders?
You got to read 'The Bhagavat Gita' atleast once.
To know about the religious tolerance in Kerala you should open your eyes and see that we have always welcomed people from other religions with respect. The Cheraman Mosque at Kodungallur & the Jewish Synagogue situated in the same compound of Pazhayannur Bhagavathy temple are great examples. Have you heard about any religious riots those days ?
People like Hussain are trying to test the tolerance of the tolerant.

Dhanya R Pillai said...

gr8 work rahul chetta .... wat shuld we do to avoid this award ?we all r there with u.....
vande matharam!!

Unknown said...

A Complete hypocrite person like ZEN should be thrown out of the society. We support u go ahead..

Krishna said...

It is really a good work Rahul, No body has the right to insult others' religious sentiments even if u may call it as freedom of expression

Anonymous said...

m.f hussain will not receive the award,before that he will be killed.
r,p viswanath

Anonymous said...

First of all...why do you think nudity as an insult or a bad thing. In the art field or whatever all over the world....the human body is considered a masterpiece. Nudity is beauty of the human body in its real form.

Haven't you seen other masterpieces portraying nude men ?? Do you reckon they are insults ?? No...they ARE work of art !!

Drawing something nude...does not necessarily mean it is an insult.

Seriously....neither you nor me understand real ART. Its just not painting what you see... or JUST imagine !!

Unknown said...


shilpa said...

why r we all wasting time and our inteleegence in writing all the above nonsense. mr hussain is one of the most respected fatherly figure in our country, infact outside our country also. just imagine what his and his family members must be feeling with all this trash going on and on...
why are we seeing only filth in his exemplary work of art...? for him raja ravi verma ( who is this fellow?) award is "kis Zaad ki patti" as u say..Infact he may not even go to kerala to receive such small award..alternatley may send his driver to fetch it..
come on we need to control our emotions..and support the great man at his ripe age..

Unknown said...

Shilpa tu pagal ho gayi hai...shayad tu hindu ke nam pe kala dhabba hai aur lagta hai tera chehra aur tere chal chalan bhi kale hai.....tune m.f.h. ke khandan me se kisise shadi ki hai kya?...go to hell

zen said...

I post my opinions in several blogs and will not answer people throwing muds at each other.(personal "abuse" is a waste of time)

Mr. James: You seems to have serious inconsistency in your arguments or probably is still confused and illusionised.

Your qoute: "and the greatest disaster is somebody is there to support him. he is such an ugly pig with a broken dick."

Zen answers: Why would supporting him would be "greatest disaster"? So do you expect all to agree with your opinion? Your second sentence was a hapless personal abuse on MF Hussein - so where is your so called principles like love your neighbour, neighbour's daughter etc. ;-) Do I smell a bit of hypocrisy?

You say that you are a Christian , but you like Hindus/their culture so much. Fine, that is your personal preference. But that is not a license to think that everything that is done in the name of Hinduism is logically correct or Hindus were/are always fair.

As for pictures itself, I had made it clear: Insulting any religion deliberately is not acceptable, even in the name of artistic expression. But the nudity in MF pictures is nowhere near the nudity in many temple arts.

Asking whether MF Hussein/me would draw each others sister's nude pictures is a useless act. Why would a person paint his own sisters nude picture? People like MT, Basheer etc. have depicted many characters who are prostitutes, mentally insane etc. But asking whether they would write their own brother/sister in their novels in such a way is illogical.

On Hindu tolerance: Majority of Hindus in India are tolerant, civilized people. But mostly people who get overexcited about these kind of issues(Ayodhya, Hussein etc.) and ready to commit violence about these issues are definitely not. Mixing religious fanatisicm with patriotism is a good way to hide bigotry


James said...

Mr Zen, why this same degree of tolerance is not happening from their side?

Why you think only the poor hindu's will always suffer?

Whats your justification for the world wide violence in the name of the danish cartoonist?

Whats your justification for the planned terrorism in india?

Whats your justification for destroying the indian economy by prining large sum of fake currency from pakisthan?

Whats your justification for beating taslima in public?

whats your justification for the terror attacks in UK because of Rushdi issue?

do you think all these are happening just for the sake of the happenings?

They are well planned, every attack is targeting to the non islamic countries.they are trying to destroy the other religions.

and the 'art' of MF Hussian is also one of them. can you deny it?

James said...

@ Shilpa,

Hussain is not enough matured to get an award in the name of great artist. Raja ravi varma.

for that he has to rebirth atleast 7 more times.

how you can compare the art of this hussain and great ravi varma.

shilpa, it seems you are a kid, grow up my dear daughter, just google ravi varma. or search in wiki pedia, else ask your father who is ravi varama( hope that he got his primary education atleast )
shame on you to ask such a question like who is ravi varma.pity on you dear sister..

James said...

Zen answers: Why would supporting him would be "greatest disaster"? So do you expect all to agree with your opinion? Your second sentence was a hapless personal abuse on MF Hussein

OMG!! you got the point. i just explained like hussain is un ugly pig with a broken dick - you think thats a personal abuse. well

let me explain - pig - it is a creature of the same god who created you and hussain. how it become an insult man? then the broken dick - its a part of human body - then whats wrong with that?

you justifying his nude pictures in the basis of teh art in temples and nudism is something great in the name of the art..

so here, when i called you so - its just 4-5 words that hurt you, and you felt bad even if i called it to hussain.

This is the same feeling, the hindus gone through when hussain illusatrated their religious symbols, their gods in nude. thats not merely some words, more exposed media - they are pictures.

yes, certain things will hurt us. this is the same lesson we want to teach you, hussain and all those ppl who think freedom of expression or art is a license to hurt others

zen said...

"Mr Zen, why this same degree of tolerance is not happening from their side?"

from whose side?

"Why you think only the poor hindu's will always suffer?"

poor is an adjective that you have to use carefully. Hindus were not that poor in organized riots after Ayodhya, in Gujarat, against Sikhs/Buddhists etc.

"Whats your justification for the world wide violence in the name of the danish cartoonist?"

I never justified it.

"Whats your justification for the planned terrorism in india?"

I never even touched the subject. Why would you think that either me or even MF Hussein would justify this?

Doesn't accusing things which I never said and getting overexcited about this instead of coming with a decent, logical reply conveys the picture of a fanatic? Now I would like to ask you - why should I think that only people protesting Danish cartoons should be considered fanatics? Aren't people like you the same or worse, given that you have also taken up the same cause?

"They are well planned, every attack is targeting to the non islamic countries.they are trying to destroy the other religions."

Here you go showing your true colours. So you are bigoted against Muslims and that is why all this "vikaram kollal". It is not that you are genuinely concerned about a public issue as an ordinary citizen and want to debate issues. Why do you think that this is a well planned attempt by Muslims to denigrate Hindus? If yes, who are the co-conspirators of MF? Bin laden or ?

"and the 'art' of MF Hussian is also one of them. can you deny it?"

I can deny them. MF Hussein is no way a practicing muslim. I guess he hadn't been to a Mosque in many years and probably don't give a damn about religion. But your anger ,zealotry and in particular the above comment shows that my earlier comment is true - his religion has also played a role in the protest

"let me explain - pig - it is a creature of the same god who created you and hussain. how it become an insult man? then the broken dick - its a part of human body - then whats wrong with that?"

Hussein never called any Hindu dogs as pig or dick. As you don't consider these as abuses and only as things from nature, I guess these are part of your day to day vocabulary and this may be the way you address people around you ;)

"so here, when i called you so - its just 4-5 words that hurt you, and you felt bad even if i called it to hussain."

Im not hurt. Probably even Hussein will not get hurt because he don't know you and may not care. But I wanted to point out the hypocrisy about your claim for tolerance and love.

James said...

"Mr Zen, why this same degree of tolerance is not happening from their side?"

Zen : from whose side?

James : From the side of the community and their supporters where this H.F.Hussain belongs.
By illustrating the hindu god’s or symbols, they have nothing to loose. but
remember how they reacted to Taslima in public? By beating her?? Hussian got this courage only because of he is in india. Can you do it in any other country? Can you insult any of their religious concepts? Can you illustrate any of their religious symbols or characters? So, you haven’t any rights of talking about the tolerance.

James :"Why you think only the poor Hindu’s will always suffer?"

zen : poor is an adjective that you have to use carefully. Hindus were not that poor in organized riots after Ayodhya, in Gujarat, against Sikhs/Buddhists etc.

First of all you realise the fact that you are the intruders, not only you all other communities, they accepted you, gave the shelter to survive, and what you are doing here? Attacking them, insulting them, trying to destroy their religion, beliefs and their motherland. Then how can you blame them when they reacts? they are suffering for centuries..

The same incidents are happened in iraq also, if you are blaming the same America, this is the same thing happening here, people are selfish for their mother land and their heritage. They will oppose anything which may affect their integrity and security of their country, culture and life.

Have you heard about ghazi? Heard about the ancient rajaputra story? If you don’t know I will tell you later. If you heard that you know what’s the highness in the Hindu tolerance. Every time history repeats. only the faces are changing the facts remains intact.

James said...

"Whats your justification for the world wide violence in the name of the danish cartoonist?"

Zen : I never justified it.

James: you never justified that, why? You know very well that – its wrong to do so.
Even if that is a cartoon, it hurts the beliefs and feelings of billions of people. Isn’t?
Or you felt..oh that cartoonist has all rights to express himself – so let him do that and protest against the people who are against the poor cartoonist??? Or MF hussain talked for him? Why??? Because he knows whats right and whats wrong…

For me – I never justify that cartoonist – He did a big mistake. and no such incidents should happen in future too. If you are not respecting anyone’s beliefs its ok, but never insult them…

Now, MF hussian did the same thing as the Danish cartoonist. And how can you justify this? Accept the things as it is. Certain things are wrong – and they are always wrong irrespective of the religion or country.

And the biggest contradiction which I felt is if its to any other community – It is Taboo or banned …ppl may be hurt..they will become violent. but if it is toward Hindu – many people like zen is there to support hussain. Isn’t it the partiality?

Think neutrally if it hurts you – it hurts them also…that’s it. very simple law…

James said...

James : "Whats your justification for the planned terrorism in india?"
Zen: I never even touched the subject. Why would you think that either me or even MF Hussein would justify this? Why do you think that this is a well planned attempt by Muslims to denigrate Hindus? If yes, who are the co-conspirators of MF? Bin laden or ?

James: Yes people like M.F.hussain and you – more dangerous than Bin laden.
( not every muslim is involved in it, but because of the anti social elements like M.F hussain, those poor souls will be suspected, the entire community will be defamed )

Terrorism is in many forms – cyber terrorism, economical terrorism, cultural terrorism – all these forms are playing well in India. I can give you solid proofs of these…I suspects you are kinda blind person, by living in India you are not knowing about anything …or pretending so???

James said...

James : "so here, when i called you so - its just 4-5 words that hurt you, and you felt bad even if i called it to hussain."

Zen: Im not hurt. Probably even Hussein will not get hurt because he don't know you and may not care. But I wanted to point out the hypocrisy about your claim for tolerance and love.

James: You hurt, that I know..hussain may not..because he is in his 90s…may be all of his senses were gone. pretty dump!.

..and finally about my tolerance and hypocrisy….we may forgive to certain things up to a certain extent…but can you forgive to one who is coming to burn your home and to rape your mother??? We will not..that’s for sure…but what about you?

Jacob Sudheer said...

Mf Hussain or who ever be..we never want to surrender our Patriotic feelings before anybody.......... Vande Matharam,, INDIA is our mother,,and none of the children used to insult his mother.........MF Hussian has to be hanged or beheaded for this Act.........but we are peace lovers.......JAI HIND...........

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...


thanks for the comments. all real indians are behind you, please do something before that award ceremony. never allow to repeat the mistakes happened to us in past. just make aware the people, where they are...

let them realize the mistake they are committing. you will get helping hands from many hindu, christian and muslims who really proud of our nation and culture. seek help from some local organizations and let it be in public through the medias.

do should not be allowed atleast in kerala.

Jai Hind!

A Proud Indian.

V.B.Rajan said...

Dear Rahul…. You tried to show the brighter side of the so called Hindu culture. But the darker side which is prevalent in our society is swept under the carpet.

We Indians never had a homogenous culture. We are groups of quarrelling people with diametrically opposing views. Making use of this internal difference, foreigners gain access here and ruled us for centuries. This is not tolerance or welcoming others with open heart. This is just cowardice and lack of confidence.

You said we have an OBC god Krishna. Great! But where is he. Just think about Guruvayoor. He is in a prison well protected with 3 or 4 strong walls under Brahmin guards. Till recent past an obc was not allowed to use roads near the temple. Even now an obc not allowed to perform a pooja there. In north India untouchability in its crude form is still prevalent.

You said Vedvyas a dalit compiled Vedas. Great! But if a dalit happened to here veda molten lead would go into his ears. Dalits were not allowed to learn or teach. Justification for all these can be found in our holy scriptures.

The philosophy of Sankaracharya, the so called dalit lover made physical extermination of Buddhism from here. 1000s of Buddha bhikshus were put to death in different parts of our country. Our vavubali in Aluva is a reminder of this gruesome act. Budhaviharams were captured and converted into hindu temples. Sabarimala is one of them. That is the reason why devotees are allowed there without cast considerations.

From the story of sambhooka, you can see how dalits were treated during Ramayana period.

You are right when you said: “every nation's civilization is a continuous evolution through rights and wrongs” . If you use your dynamism and creative energy towards eliminating the wrongs from our society, it will be a great asset.

Unknown said...

Who is this shilpa? She seems to be very ignorant young brat probably knowing nothing about India, hinduism and our culture. such sites are not for such idiots.
As said by James did u ask your dad about raja ravi verma? perhaps he must also not be knowing..but still u can try.
Dear shilpa,pl go and have fun in ORKUT and pass your time in movie theatres and shopping malls..u r fit for that.

nandu said...

let not idiots talk here, if so you can only get to hear idocracy, people with sense, common sense ( very uncomon sense) and who know about what they are talking and what they are talking on, may talk here, this is not a place for fighting- in the name of religon-, i feel pity for people who talk nonsense, without knowing the history, culture and tradition of their own selfs....... someone has hurt the feelings of the majority of the Nation, and he has to be informed so, and the authorities has to take note of this, and before it gets out of hand, something has to be done-if not , as you see in these postings, this spark would inflame into such a propotion that will swallow the whole nation-as you see here in these comments! And let this not be repeated in the future by any one...this is not freedom......where anyone can do anything...this happens only in India....are we going back to stoneage!

Unknown said...

NANDU r u idiot? ...apne jo likha hai uska matlab bhi jante ho kya ap?..m.f. hussain jaisa hira apne desh ko mila hai...sabne unke paintings ki sarhana karni chahiye aur yaha bakvas ki bate chalu kar rahe ho....logo ko kam dhanda to kuchch hota nahi hai aur atank failane yaha chale ate hai...m.f. hussain ji ap duniya ki parvah naa kare muze ap pe fukra hai isliye ki apki har paintings main jo kala hoti hai uski kimat karodo main hoti hai...bander kya jane adrak ka swad.. kutte bhonkte hain bhonkne do hanti chalta hai chalne do...ap hathi hai to main ap ki sathi hu .. best luck for further pictures

zen said...

"James : From the side of the community and their supporters where this H.F.Hussain belongs.
By illustrating the hindu god’s or symbols, they have nothing to loose. but
remember how they reacted to Taslima in public? By beating her?? Hussian got this courage only"

I told you repeatedly - Hussein is not a practicing Muslim and Muslims have nothing to do his paintings either. But I don't think fanatics will have any understanding

First of all you realise the fact that you are the intruders, not only you all other communities, they accepted you, gave the shelter to survive, and what you are doing here? Attacking them, insulting them, trying to destroy their religion, beliefs and their motherland."

again ignorance - In a complex place like India, you cannot categorize easily as aggressors and receivers, even if you want to do that because of bigotry or chauvinism. History is more complex than what VHP etc. propogates and some morons believe. Many Muslims/Christians have been aggressors, but you cannot deny their contributions either. Many Muslims living in India were lower caste Hindus - how can they be aggressors. Muslims themselves contributed enormously to what you call "Indian civilization", how can they be categorized as aggressors? Try to minus Persian words from Hindi, Mughalai food from restaurants, Mughal architecture buildings from Delhi and Agra and Muslim artists from Hindustani classical music, you would be unpleasantly surprised to see that much of the good things are gone. In any case, you cannot blame Muslims/Christians/Buddhists for caste based discrimination which itself had destroyed the life of lower caste Hindus. Well, the original inhabitants were Dravidians. So these "real Indians" like Bal Thackerey etc. could also be intruders.

Zen : I never justified it.

James: you never justified that, why? You know very well that – its wrong to do so."

Hahaha..fanatisicm blinds. What I wrote was I never justified the violent protests, not the cartoons itself. I think cartoons were deliberately insulting, but still cartoonist had the right to publish, atleast in his private newspaper. So long as Muslims protest peacefully, I don't have
any problem, but if they engage in violence whether in India/Afghanistan, I will not support. Well there have been no single violent protest in Kerala where 25% are Muslims.

"James: Yes people like M.F.hussain and you – more dangerous than Bin laden."

Why do you want to advertise your ignorance all over the internet? Bin laden is a militant hiding somewhere in the mountains. MF is a world renowned artist who was called "Picasso of India" by Forbes magazine and whose paintings often carry $2 million worth in it. I am an unknown person living in a small corner of the world. We three have nothing in common and are as different as one can imagine. Well, if there is something that is similar to Bin Laden, that is Hindu militants who take law into their hands. Terrorism is terrorism whether it comes from green or saffron flag.

"Terrorism is in many forms – cyber terrorism, economical terrorism, cultural terrorism – all these forms are playing well in India. I can give you solid proofs of these…"

then why don't you bring some proofs to justify your argument with some valid, respected sources instead of categorising communities based on prejudices?

"@ Shilpa,

Hussain is not enough matured to get an award in the name of great artist. Raja ravi varma.

for that he has to rebirth atleast 7 more times.

how you can compare the art of this hussain and great ravi varma."

Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him less talented. All I can say is that people should grow up from their little minds. See

Anuj Nair said...

Rajan :
Hindus are tolerant else Hussain would have been beheaded by now and you would not have dared abuse that Great Religion like this in a place where people are asked to express their protest over something that hurt them.
If you dare to talk supporting Sulman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen and that cadish Danish cartoonist in a public place, I would really appreciate your guts. I am eagerly waiting for Mr.Rajan to appear on public to exress his freedom of exression on those issues. This is a challenge. You want a press conference arranged? I will do that for you.

Unknown said...

hi james..I support ur views. but how can we tolerate individuals like zen and shilpa. they look to be thorough morons and unfit for this society so as mr M.F Husasin. let's pl join hands with all those are with mr rahul. we hindus are too very very very much tolerant and that's the reason why all are suppressing us.

Unknown said...

this act of him should be taken to the court

Unknown said...

Mr. anuj nair,
shame on u . u reduces the greatness of m.f. hussain by going against him...what is wrong point u saw in rajan's statement..& yes who r u to arrange press conference & challenge to others there are not any right to u to go against public points..u saw these pictures when by rahul eshwer but before that u had any knowledge about it..if yes then at that time why u not gone against Mr. m.f. hussain? ..i openly challenge u have u any dare to express u r views in public press?..if not then shut u r mouth.

Anuj Nair said...

You said," then why don't you bring some proofs to justify your argument with some valid, respected sources "

What is solid proof for you ? What is valid ,respected sources for you ? What that you believe is right ?

You mean everybody has to produce results of paternity tests to scientifically prove his/her father rather than accept what is believed right ?

You said," Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him less talented. All I can say is that people should grow up from their little minds."

So Zen is a big broad mind concerned about the millions of little minds who are believers in God !

People like you shall paint pictures in nude or write filth in the name of freedom of expression, but I beg you not to do so by hurting others. You can do it amongst each other, the similar so-called broadminded ones. Still we may not enjoy or encourage it because even your mother is our mother and with our little minds we cannot see otherwise.

Unknown said...

kya nair ji kya hua?

Anuj Nair said...


You mean only you and Rajan are public? What you people say is public opinion ! That's a joke !

I am not hearing about that morons antics through Rahul. Why should it hurt you when I talk of a perverted toad ? If that idiot is adorable for you and it hurts you just because somebody talks against him you have no bloody right to talk about freedom of expression. You should use your brains and just see how he has hurt the sentiments of millions.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ms shilpa
do u think that by using hi fi english language u can supress the feelings of common man. or do u want to impress people & what is wrong by anuj nair u idiot.
I think u are a real moron with only good command over english language, nothing else. I feel u should see a good phychiatrist for treatment

Unknown said...

anuj nair & milind,
mind u r language. u know meaning of m.f. hussain m means mother & f means father.. so m.f. hussain is u r mother & father too so u must be respectful towards him & me also since i give respect to such great artists

V.B.Rajan said...

Dear Rahul

You sated in your blog " I was extremely sad and depressed over the above pictures......The above pictures offends the national pride, dignity of women, religious feeling, secular and ethical fabric of our nation."

If so why these pictures are still displayed on your blog. By displaying them you continue to hurt the feelings of the so called guardians of our culture, secular and ethical fabric etc.

You said again "Let M.F.Hussain not receive the RAJA RAVI VARMA award on September 17th 2007"

From the above what I can make out is your main concern is not the pictures, you are trying to open a war front against the government using this issue as another weapon.

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